A talmid today and forever
Yeshiva Toras Chaim is headed by its founders, world-renowned Roshei HaYeshiva, Harav Yisroel Meir Kagan, shlit”a and Harav Yitzchok Wasserman, shlit”a. Together, they have been developing, refining and directing Yeshiva Toras Chaim for the past 50 years. The Mesivta is fortunate to have their active guidance and hands-on leadership, as well as the daily example in Torah and middos they provide. Their legendary kesher with 5 decades of talmidim and alumni is a return on their investment in the hatzlocha of each and every talmid, expressed in their accessibility to, and caring for, each bochur. Yeshiva boasts outstanding Rebbeim who, with great dedication, encourage the talmid’s academic, social, emotional and ruchniyus growth. With wisdom, each Rebbe develops the derech halimud, skill set, midos tovos, and special kochos, of each talmid.

Where aspiring bochurim develop into proud bnei torah
YTC's warm Mesivta and Beis Medrash educate local, national and international bochurim, creating a foundation of:
As beneficiaries of this wholesome chinuch, Yeshiva’s alumni are well prepared as true stewards of Yeshiva’s mission of raising generations of inspired Bnei Torah. We are humbled and awed to continue seeing the far-reaching effects of YTC chinuch on six decades of Klal Yisroel, as it grows exponentially with the blossoming of our alumni who serve as Rabbonim, leaders, educators and philanthropists in Denver and worldwide.
Our new campus - Home away from home
The Yeshiva campus consists of a brand-new dormitory facility, contiguous with a spacious and beautifully remodeled Bais Medrash and school building.
Framed by the backdrop of the snow-capped, Rocky Mountains, the Yeshiva’s idyllic setting, removed from the bustle of big-town distractions, provides the optimum environment for Aliya b’ruchnius, academic development and healthy, recreational pursuit. As the nucleus of a vibrant Torah community, Yeshiva provides ample opportunities for development of leadership and mentoring skills through volunteering in communal programs, such as Pirchei of Denver.
**A copy of our asbestos report is available in the Yeshiva office . To receive a report, please contact Chaim Abrams at cabrams@ytc.edu.**