Yeshiva Toras Chaim is headed by its founders, world-renowned Roshei HaYeshiva, Harav Yisroel Meir Kagan, shlit”a and Harav Yitzchok Wasserman, shlit”a. Talmidim of Rav Aharon Kotler, zt"l, they have been developing, refining and directing Yeshiva Toras Chaim for the past 50 years.
Rabbi Moshe Chill
Tenth Grade Maggid Shiur
Rabbi Chill originates from Monsey, and learned in Yeshiva Gedolah of Patterson, and by R’ Tzvi Kaplan. Rabbi Chill was in the Los Angeles Kollel for 8 years, then a Rebbi in Yeshiva Gedolah of LA, before joining YTC.
Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky
Maggid Shiur, Bais Medrash
Rabbi Kamenetsky grew up in Philadelphia, and learned in Philadelphia Yeshiva, and the Yeshivos of R’ Ephraim Zureivin and R’ Elya Chaim Swerdloff. He served as Rosh Chaburah for 6 years in BMG, then moved to Denver with his family in the spring of 2020, when he joined the Yeshiva.
Bais Medrash Second Seder
Hails from Denver, CO. Learned in YTC and Passaic, in Eretz Yisroel at Brisk, and spent sixteen years in Kollel Beis Efraim, Lakewood, NJ before joining YTC.
Rabbi Dovid Nussbaum
Maggid Shiur, Bais Medrash
Rabbi Nussbaum originates from the Midwest and learned in BMG for many years before moving to Denver in 1985 with his family to join the Yeshiva’s Kollel. He was a talmid of YTC and has been giving shiurim in the Yeshiva for over 30 years.
Rabbi Eli Mozes
First Seder Shoel Umeishiv and Director of Recruitment
Rabbi Mozes is from Lakewood. He learned in Mesivta Kesser Torah of Belmar and by R’ Tzvi Kaplan in Eretz Yisroel. He moved to Denver in 2013 to join the Denver Community Kollel before joining the Yeshiva in 2017.
Rabbi Yaakov Orloff
Ninth Grade Maggid Shiur
Rabbi Orloff is originally from Los Angeles, and learned in Mesivta of Long Beach, and by R’ Tzvi Kaplan. Rabbi Orloff was a member of Kollel Zichron Shneur and is the mechaber of several popular seforim.
Twelfth Grade Maggid Shiur
Rabbi Tendler hails from Seagate, learned in Yeshiva Gedolah of Woodlake under R' Uren Reich, in Eretz Yisroel under R' Shalom Shechter, BMG, and later a Rebbi in Yeshiva Gedolah of Woodlake before joining our Yeshiva.
Rabbi Menachem Winer
Menahel/Eleventh Grade Maggid Shiur
Rabbi Winer originates from Cleveland, and learned in Mesivta of Long Beach and Yeshivas Brisk. He spent eight years in Mesivta Sharei Chaim of Far Rockaway, where he served as Sgan Menahel.
Rabbi Elisha Zeiger
First Seder Shoel Umeishiv
Rabbi Zeiger grew up in Philadelphia, and learned in Yeshiva Beth Moshe of Scranton, as well as BMG. Rabbi Zeiger moved to Denver in 2006 to join the Yeshiva.
Rabbi Ahron Y. Wasserman
Rabbi Chaim Abrams
Director of Operations
Rabbi Aaron B. Kagan
Vice President/Alumni Relations
Office Staff
Ms. Sue Hummert
Office Administrator and Executive Assistant
Business Office
Rabbi Jon Neumann
Director of Administration and Finance
Bookstore/Mrs. Nussbaum
bookstore manager
DD: 303-825-5800
Mrs. Sara Gittie Nussbaum
Events Manager
Mrs. Adina Gasser
DD: 303-810-2303