Alumni Virtual Annual Tribute Dinner 2020

The YTC Alumni Association hosted a live virtual tribute dinner on Sunday, May 24, א’ סיון in conjunction with an online matching campaign titled “ התורה היא ממשיכה תמיד ”. The campaign highlighted the Yeshiva’s unwavering commitment to ensure that Torah learning continue unhindered despite the challenging circumstances of
COVID-19. Boruch Hashem, the campaign raised much needed funds to ensure Yeshiva was prepared to fifinancially endure the Pandemic. The gathering was beautiful, as scores of YTC Alumni tuned in to
watch alumni interviews, an alumni tribute video, divrei bracha from the Roshei HaYeshiva and a live musical performance from singer Baruch Levine. The event served as a true testament to the appreciation and chashivus YTC alumni have for their alma-mater.