Summit 55 Celebratory Gala 2022

Summit 55 Campaign and Gala was about us reaching the top, together, nurturing the future Jewish Leaders in Colorado and beyond.
Thank you for being a part of such a momentous celebration.
Thank you for showing your unwavering commitment to Yeshiva Toras Chaim through your attendance and support.
The Summit 55 Online Campaign on November 29-30 was a strong testament to the tremendous impact the Yeshiva is having on its students, the broader Denver community, and the national Jewish community as well. Over 1800 people participated in the campaign from all over the countוy. Together, with the support of so many, we were able to reach and even surpass our goal, B”H.
The Summit 55 Celebratory Gala on December 7th, was beautiful, inspiring and meaningful. Together with the entire community, we celebrated the success of the campaign as well as the accomplishments of Yeshiva Toras Chaim.
We paid tribute to Police Chief Paul Pazen, as he recently retired from the police force, in recognition for his devotion and friendship towards the yeshiva and the broader Jewish community.
The evening featured a special presentation to the second graduating Class of 1972- many of whom were in attendance at the dinner. The evening’s honorees were Rabbi and Mrs. Yechiel Erlanger, Parents of the Year Awardees, and Rabbi Chaim Sher, Community Builder Awardee. Rabbi and Mrs. Naftali Seidenfeld were presented with the Harbotzas Torah Tribute for the Menahel’s more than 12 years of dedication to the YTC and its students. We were treated to a performance from the Denver Boys Choir, led by R’ Daniel Krausz.
The attendees were graced with words of chizuk from both Roshei Hayeshiva, Harav Yitzchok Wasserman and Harav Yisroel Meir Kagan and Rabbi Seidenfeld masterfully delivered the keynote address.