Yissochar Zevulin Partnership Project

On June 6th, 2018, the YTC Yissochor Zevulun Partnership Event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Lisa Perlmutter and was dedicated in memory of devoted Yeshiva friend and supporter, Mr. Jack Hyatt. The evening’s Guest Speaker was Mr. Hecky Attar, YTC alumnus, and father of a YTC alumnus.
Attar resides in Stamford, CT with his wife and is the proud father of five and grandfather of three. He is a CPA and managing tax director at KPMG, a global network of independent member firms offering audit, tax and advisory services in 154 countries and territories. He serves on the Board of Directors of his local shul, Agudath Shalom, and at the Torah Learning Center of Stamford, a nightly kollel co-founded by himself and his son, Rabbi Akiva Attar, YTC Alumnus. Hecky is passionate about לימוד התורה , and is actively involved in kiruv in Stamford. Mr. Attar entertained and inspired the audience with his humor, poignant stories and eloquence. He expressed gratitude to the Roshei Yeshiva and Yeshiva family for educating, wholeheartedly supporting and embracing him and his fellow Iranian refugee friends, in 1979, as parents care for their children. Attar movingly described his journey to freedom and subsequent arrival in foreign territory of Denver, Colorado, as a young בחור of fifteen. He spoke passionately of the significance of scholarship support to the Yeshiva as having afforded him and his friends then, and so many budding future leaders, now, the opportunity
to succeed personally and as contributing תלמידי חכמים ועסקנים.